
CareMatrix announces Open Market Consultation: integrated care solutions for People with Multimorbidity (PMM)

  • More news on Norway Health Tech

CareMatrix is a European H2020 Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) project for integrated care solutions designed to challenge the health market to develop innovative technology for People with Multimorbidity (PMM), where Norway Health Tech is one of the partners.

Our vision is to close the gap between supply and demand for innovative technology that enables predictive and specific care, treatment, administration and support needed for PMM. The project is to be developed in close dialogue between PMM, care providers and industry sectors based upon a strong demand driven approach.

The CareMatrix project is now inviting any relevant organisation interested in being involved which may include potential suppliers, medtech experts, research organisations, patients’ associations, care professionals’ associations, health care providers to participate in the upcoming open market consultation.

Successful procurement requires involving technology companies and consortia at the earliest possible stage. The Open Market Consultation (OMC) aims at actively approaching the market to discover the state of the art. The OMC consists of an in-depth dialogue and provides an overview on the procurement objectives, the PCP process and the main clauses of contracts. Information sharing will follow established procurement principles of fairness, transparency, and accessibility to information.

The CareMatrix OMC aims to:

  • Initiate the formal dialogue between CareMatrix buyers and the market players
  • Identify the gap between state-of-the art industry development and the identified needs
  • Provide a clear justification of the need to procure R&D services (confirm the PCP)
  • Provide input to fine-tune the request for tender requirements (ITT) and its annexes
  • Enable and increase the opportunities for the suppliers to form fit-for-purpose consortia
  • Identify market risks potentially able to endanger business goals and supplier performance

For more information on the OMC stages, features and registration visit https://carematrix.eu/open-market-consultation/


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