Contact person

Trude Tingvoll (CEO)


+47 47453313

RESPINOR has developed a break-through medical technology that uses ultrasound to measure liver excursion as a proxy for diaphragm excursion. With RESPINOR DXT (Diaphragm Excursion Technology) we aim at improving clinical decision-making in critically ill patients on mechanical ventilation, with non-invasive technology, measuring the diaphragm movement and providing real-time continuous feedback with an easy to use technology that is operator independent.

The novelty of RESPINOR DXT lies in the usage of a small ultrasound transducer in a highly specialized sensor design that is attached to the skin surface using a patented, disposable, silicone tape solution. RESPINOR DXT is a non-invasive medical device for continuous diaphragm monitoring. The technology has a broad range of potential benefits and represents an enabling technology platform for applications in critical care and other areas of respiratory medicine. RESPINOR DXT will offer accurate and continuous monitoring of diaphragm movement over time in a user-friendly and operator-independent manner to enable correct timing for extubation. It will provide the end-user detailed information on the diaphragm activity, including registration of trends and progression. RESPINOR DXT will improve clinical decision making and the ability to assess patients weaning readiness from MV.