
Nordic Proof

Biotech — Cluster — Diagnostics — Innovation Company — R&D/Educational facility —


Project partners

HUS - Helsinki University Hospital
Intervention Center, Oslo University Hospital
Nordic Medtest
SLL Innovation, Danderyd Hospital
Sunnaas Hospital
VihTek, Copenhagen University Hospital
Norway Health Tech

Funding partners

Nordic Innovation

We have established a network of professional and efficient test facilities that actively contribute to business development in the Nordic healthcare sector.

Nordic Proof is a network of partners from renowned health institutions and testing hubs in healthcare in the Nordics. Our partners are leading facilities in the testing landscape and can test your idea, product or solution with quality and expertise. Together the partners provide testing in all phases of development including structured documentation.

The Nordic Proof network offers one initial entry point for contact with the test facility partners. Once your inquiry has been received, Nordic Proof will assign projects to the relevant facility(ies) depending on the type of service(s) you are looking for. The testing will take place at the most suitable site, and further contract will be made directly between the two parties.

Nordic Proof provides structured access to leading Nordic health institutions and testing hubs in the Nordic countries committed to world class health services.

For more information – see Nordic Proof website!