
Joining forces to succeed in the UK market

  • More news on Norway Health Tech

Norway Health Tech is facilitating Export Resource Group UK, where the aim is to map out the UK landscape. They carried out their first meeting in the first part of February. 


Norwegian tech companies who are considering entering the UK market should be aware of: 

  • Regulatory requirements 
  • Cultural differences and nuances of the UK-marked, such as business etiquette, communication styles and expectations from UK customers 
  • The competitive UK-market with established players and startups vying for market shares 
  • Brexit, and its changes to trade regulations 
  • The large and diverse UK talent pool, making it competitive to retain and attract top talent
  • How Norwegian companies can protect their intellectual property and patents  

We must join forces

– We need to succeed as Norwegian companies and help each other out, says Mark Tyrell in Vitae Evidence.   

In order to help each company succeed in the highly competitive UK-market, we must join forces – to help companies build the much-needed knowledge and share networks. It is important for Norwegian tech companies to stay up to date on market trends and new technologies in the UK. This will help them stay competitive and adapt to changing market conditions.  

By shaping the efforts and activities happening in the UK, Norwegian companies can pass their way to finding distributors and gain access to national and regional programs to establish themselves as players in the industry. 

The Export Resource Group UK is led by Ellen C. Andersen, CEO of Senscom. Participants in the first meeting were Bliksund, Checkware, Norse Feedback, Senscom and Vitae Evidence. 

For inquires contact Trine Radmann at trine.radmann@norwayhealthtech.com

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