
Export Resource Group Germany: Succeeding through collaboration

  • More news on Norway Health Tech

– We have a lot to learn from each other. Germany is a gigantic and complex market, and we must be well prepared to succeed there, says Cathrine Roe Heuch. She is CEO of Nordic Brain Tech and heads Norway Health Tech’s newly established Export Resource Group Germany.

The group was established by Norway Health Tech through advisers Irene Chelliah and Trine Radmann, who have brought together nine companies that either have experience with – or ambitions to – succeed in the German market. Together, the members will help each other to make the market introduction easier by sharing experiences.

– I think Norwegian companies have good conditions for success in Germany. We are known for delivering research-based and robust solutions and operate under strict regulation, which is important when dealing with the German market, says Roe Heuch.

Germany is organized into states (länder), and the degree of digitization varies greatly from state to state. This means that the maturity to adopt new technology also varies in line with this.

– The group includes people who together have more than 50 years of experience from the health market, but they operate within different niches. Together, this knowledge is complementary, and sharing experiences can be decisive for making the right decisions. After the first meeting, we have already identified some common challenges that we will continue to work on, says Irene Chelliah, and adds:

– To be successful, it is important to have good partners in place. physically in Germany. Sharing networks and experiences with concrete partners is therefore very useful, she says.

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