
How municipalities can succeed with health technology

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Interaction, sharing experience and active participation in networks across the public and private sectors. These are the characteristics of municipalities that succeed in implementing new health technology solutions.

Since 2009, Norway Health Tech has worked to build an ecosystem for health technology in Norway. In recent years, the need for new solutions in Norwegian municipalities has become increasingly urgent. Fewer relatives as caregivers, an aging population, more residents with long-term chronic diseases and young people on the side line are problems that the municipalities must solve in the coming years. If we add increasing personnel shortages and budget challenges, it goes without saying that health and welfare technology will be an important part of the solution.

But how do you go about orienting yourself in this landscape? This is where Norway Health Tech is a key resource:

– We are a driver of necessary change. Through membership in the cluster, the municipalities get a development partner who facilitates and helps the health service to orientate itself on which technologies save time and resources, and contributes to the health service being able to deliver higher quality. We create collaboration arenas and meeting places that support the municipality’s development of future healthcare services, says Kari Anne Dehli, senior project manager for public-private collaboration at Norway Health Tech.

Norway’s largest collaboration arena

– With over 200 members, including municipalities, healthcare organisations, businesses, patient organizations and research institutions, Norway Health Tech gives actors from the entire value chain the opportunity to develop and improve the healthcare service. As a cluster, we are a bridge builder and we facilitate collaboration in the entire ecosystem and across sectors, says Dehli.

She gives Norwegian municipalities five reasons to become members of Norway Health Tech:

1- Demo days
As a member, you get access to meeting places where you meet with the healthcare industry and healthcare services, and get demonstrations of relevant technology. This gives municipalities the opportunity to find good solutions for their needs, and interact with other municipalities and partners.

2- Skill development
In order to succeed in building sustainable health services, continuous skills development is necessary. Norway Health Tech offers digital and physical courses, seminars, conferences, workshops and study tours. Our activities are tailored to meet our members’ needs, and we ensure that municipalities can learn from the best in the industry.

3- Network with other municipalities
For members of Norway Health Tech, the doors are opened to an extensive network of players in the field of health. This network includes everything from regional to national and international partners. Such a network will strengthen the municipality’s own innovation and development work.

4- External financing and project collaboration
Financing research and development projects (R&D) can be challenging, but as a member of Norway Health Tech, the municipalities gain access to help. Members receive assistance in identifying external funding opportunities regionally, nationally and internationally, and building consortia.

5- Matchmaking adapted to the municipality’s needs
We create matchmaking arenas where the municipalities can meet the companies in the cluster and find relevant services.

Do you want to know more about membership in Norway Health Tech? Contact Kari Anne Dehli at kari.anne.dehli@norwayhealthtech.com

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