
Get to know our new members

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Health is Norway’s most entrepreneur-intensive industry – and it shows! Through the autumn of 2023, 10 new members have signed up to Norway Health Tech.

Our mission as a cluster is to improve the quality of treatment and care by developing and industrializing world-class health solutions through our members and ecosystem. With 10 new members, the cluster is even better equipped to do this job.

Read more about our new members here:

QUMEA offers advanced contactless patient monitoring with a particular focus on fall prevention and mobility in care institutions. The aim is to apply smart technology in a way that takes the patient’s privacy into account.


Medtekpartner is a medical technology consulting firm that specializes in projects within public and private healthcare, innovation projects and medical research. They work to transform ideas into market-ready solutions.


Askin is a Norwegian digital skin specialist service. The network of skin specialists helps people of all ages, from newborns to the elderly, with everything from simple skin changes to serious ailments.


Anylite offers a comprehensive dashboard solution to visualize, benchmark and evaluate patient data and biomarker profiles. Anylite was created to increase doctors’ prerequisites in order to gain the best possible insight into patients, and thus be able to deliver the best possible and personalized health care.


Healthsum Holding AS develops an innovative health record and information system where the patient is at the center and has control over their own data. The company develops the next generation DLT-based solution with hyper-scalable functionality. The solution is integrated with banking and insurance services, while meeting GDPR requirements and allowing for seamless integrations in the healthcare system.


Nordic Netcare is a private healthcare provider with a focus on digital physiotherapy and training. The company has developed to become one of the leading suppliers within service and health in the Nordic region.


Diagnostica (Spirare) is a Norwegian company that was established in 1983. The company is a manufacturer of PC-based spirometry, ECG and 24-hour blood pressure. Diagnostica works with strategic partners to ensure that customers receive a complete, validated and high-quality solution.


Tigeni develops sustainable digital health services within preventive health work and monitoring/follow-up. This digital health service opens up the opportunity to examine or monitor your own health, take blood samples from home and provide greater insight into your own lifestyle.


Drowzee works to eliminate chronic insomnia using neurotechnology. The company collaborates with customers and the healthcare system to develop a scalable, drug-free and personalized clinical treatment for people with chronic sleep deprivation.


Colicbutton has developed a patented sound device, method and system to relieve symptoms of colic – which affects 25% of all infants. The mission of founder and mother of five, Eleni Menti Larsen, is to help infants affected by colic get a better start in life by giving new parents an aid to calm and comfort their own child.


Do you want to become a member of Norway Health Tech?

Whether you are an entrepreneur, established organization or represent a municipality – all players with an interest in health technology can become a member of the cluster.

Through membership, you get access to relevant and useful information, regulatory advice, access to public funding, an international network of experts and the opportunity to participate in a number of professional and social events.

Get in touch by email or set up a meeting with us to discuss how Norway Health Tech can help you achieve your goals.

Contact our member manager Magnus Lund-Vang at mlv@norwayhealthtech.com.

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