Norse Feedback

Connected Care/Digital Health — Diagnostics — Digital health — eHealth (ICT) — Innovation Company —

Contact person

Joachim Vie






PEAK Sunnfjord, 6800 Førde





Norse Feedback is a clinical tool designed to measure and monitor clinical outcomes, promote good clinical conversations with clients, and to help therapists and healthcare institutions to improve treatment quality. Norse Feedback is a second-generation clinical feedback tool built for digital platforms, not paper. Through cloud-based technology, the system is available on all digital platforms, and is designed to leverage existing technology, such as electronic medical records. The measure itself is dynamic and tailors itself to focus on a particular patient’s needs. In practice, Norse Feedback begins with a broad baseline assessment (20+ dimensions) and then adapts for subsequent routine use.

Our feedback system is designed to focus providers’ attention on a dimensional understanding of the client’s symptoms, risks and resources, as well as highlighting an action-oriented and user-adaptive focus. Clinicians have easy access to useful and holistic information about the patient and the ongoing treatment, and minimal impact on daily routines. Just as Norse Feedback is developed to address clinical practice, our own measure development method includes a continuous quality improvement approach whereby we annually evolve the system through the processing of statistical data and feedback from therapists and patients.