BI Norwegian Business School

R&D/Educational facility —

Contact person

Thomas Hoholm, Instituttleder, Institutt for strategi og entreprenørskap,


+47 46410619


Nydalsveien 37, 0484 Oslo





BI Norwegian Business School (BI) is one of Europe’s largest business schools and has a broad connectedness with both the private and public sector with a focus on teaching, research, and knowledge dissemination. BI participates in Norway Health Tech via the Centre for Health Care Management at the Department of Strategy and Entrepreneurship. Through the membership in Norway Health Tech, BI wants to contribute so that researchers and students with an interest in innovation and entrepreneurship in the tech field, can both learn from and contribute to the work of developing innovative and competitive companies in this field.

BI also has a number of executive education programs for top- and middle managers in the health sector, where the aim is to link knowledge about challenges and opportunities in the innovation-cluster to teaching, and thus contribute to a common knowledge base between an emerging health industry and our services within health management.

Finally, BI also collaborates with Norway Health Tech on research in the Center for Connected Care, which is a center for research-driven innovation in the development, acquisition, implementation and scaling of new digital health services both in Norway and internationally. The center is located at Ullevål Hospital.