
Market Access Program Germany

Highlighted projects

Germany Export Resource Group 

  • Norway Health Tech (NHT) facilitates a Germany Export Resource Group with companies looking towards the German market. The ambition of the Resource Group is to receive and give advice, provide input, share networks, competence, tips, and information across members of the Group. The overarching goal is better value creation for the Norwegian health tech industry.
  • The Resource Group Germany is led by the CFO of Ably Medical, Heinrich Zimmermann, and facilitated by NHT.
  • Meetings take place every 2-3 months (digitally). Interested in joining? Contact Lucie Meltzer: lucie.meltzer@norwayhealthtech.com or Trine Radman: Trine.Radmann@norwayhealthtech.com

Upcoming activities

10 September 2024 – Next Meeting GER Resource Group – Topic TBD

11-14 November 2024 – Norwegian Pavilion at MEDICA 2024, organized by the German-Norwegian Chamber of Commerce

Norwegian Pavilion @MEDICA 2024 (ahk.de)

8-10 April 2025 – Nordic Pavilion at DMEA 2025 – more details will be shared soon!


Past activities in 2024

23 May 2024 – Germany Resource Group Meeting

Exclusive session with Leading VC on Market Entry & Capital Raising – Part 2 – Germany Resource Group – Norway Health Tech

6-8 May 2024 – Study Trip to Munich and Erlangen

Webinar & Study Trip on the German Healthcare Industry: Can Digitalisation, AI & Robotics Avert Staff Shortage? – Norway Health Tech

15 April 2024 – Germany Resource Group Meeting

Germany Resource Group – Workshop with Leading VC on Market Entry & Capital raising – Norway Health Tech

9 – 11 April 2024 – DMEA 2024 – Europe’s leading event for digital health

Together with Norwegian Smart Care Cluster, Norway Health Tech organized a Nordic Pavilion at DMEA 2024 in Berlin. 7 Norwegian companies exhibited on the pavilion:

19 March 2024 – Visit to Oslo of high ranking delegation from Helios Group

Networking Opportunity: Visit of German CEOs of hospitals of the Helios Group – Norway Health Tech

6th February 2024 – Exchange with Göttingen and Bonn university hospitals
Exchange with representatives from German hospitals, the Universitätsmedizin Göttingen & the Universitätsklinikum Bonn


More activities are in the planning!

The activities in 2024 are organized together with Norwegian Smart Care Cluster and with the support of Stiftelsen Teknologiformidling




Market Entry Program Germany 2023: Event timeline

13th February 2023
[KICKOFF SEMINAR AND MATCHMAKING: Programme and Registration]

8th March 2023 

Webinar: [Procurement in Germany]

19th April 2023

DMEA Prep-Workshop

25th – 27th April 2023
Norwegian shared exhibition space at DMEA Connecting Digital Health

DMEA is the largest conference on digital health in Germany. Norway Health Tech is teaming up with the Norwegian Smart Care Cluster to arrange for a Norwegian shared exhibition space at DMEA 2023

10th May 2023

Webinar: [Reimbursement in Germany]

26th – 28th June 2023

Hub.Berlin Tech Conference

In collaboration with Oslo Business Region and Canute.

25th – 17th September 2023 

Delegation visit to North Rhine-Westphalia. Including visits of best practice sites and a full program in collaboration with our partners medizin.NRW and NRW.Global Business.

Other partners: AHK and NSCC. More information about the programme of the Study Trip can be found here: Study trip to Germany (North-Rhine Westphalia) – Norway Health Tech

17th October 2023

German-Norwegian Conference on digital health

Conference Digital Health – The German & Norwegian Market – Norway Health Tech

13th – 16th November 2023


Join one of the largest medical B2B trade fairs in the world – Norway Health Tech



Market Entry Program Germany 2023

Watch the intro-Webinar here: https://play.quickchannel.com/play/zheap9

Who is the program for?

Norwegian companies that operate in the health sector and are in a growth phase. The focus is on companies that have innovative (digital) solutions within the hospital sector and other preventive solutions for health.

Participating companies must have a stable financial situation and personnel resources to grow internationally and be committed to the program. Preferred are companies that have a track record in doing business with customers in Norway (or another country) and can demonstrate a reference case.

(Does your company not fulfill these criteria but you wish to participate anyway? Get in touch with Trine Radmann: Trine.Radmann@norwayhealthtech.com or Lucie Meltzer: lucie.meltzer@norwayhealthtech.com for an individual evaluation.)


Price for program: 10 000 NOK per NHT member company (20 000 NOK for non-members)

Included in price:

  • Participation in delegation trip arrangements: 2 people per company
  • Participation in physical events in Oslo. We are inviting German partners, KOLs, stakeholders, representatives from hospitals, and many more. This is a unique opportunity for program participants to network: 3 people per company
  • Visitor-pass to conferences we are actively participating in: 2 people per company (clarification Feb23: this means Norwegian Pavilions or Stands, realization depending on required number exhibitors)
  • Access to webinars: unlimited.
  • Participation in workshops (online or hybrid format), including pitch training and conference preparation: 2 people per company.
  • 1-2-1 meetings and personal follow-ups with NHT team for guidance, advice, feedback, etc
  • Matchmaking upon request, also outside of events.


Online and/or hybrid events: Webinar series, workshops.

Physical events: in Health2B space, participating in conferences, delegation trip(s) to Germany.

This program is dynamic and we will add activities according to the feedback and needs of participating companies.


For more information and details, get in touch with Trine Radmann: Trine.Radmann@norwayhealthtech.com or Lucie Meltzer: lucie.meltzer@norwayhealthtech.com


Download Info Brochure MAP Germany with Events 2023 and fact sheet Germany


The Market Access Program for Germany and connected events are funded by Stiftelsen Teknologiformidling.