SirkØkHelse Workshop 1: Sustainability as a Business Requirement

07 February
13:00 - 16:00

Health2B, Oslo Science Park

Join us in our first SirkØkHelse workshop, where we will discuss Sustainability as a business requirement in healthcare, including regulation, procurement, and investment aspects.

  • Are you a healthcare company located in Viken or Oslo?
  • Do you want to know more about the upcoming regulations, the increasing sustainability requirements by health technology buyers and investors, and how to prepare?
  • Are you interested to learn about circular business models and how they can support the growth of your company?

Then this workshop is for you!

This is the first in a series of 3 workshops, constituting our SirkØkHelse competence building program. The purpose of this program is to strengthen the circular economy and sustainability competence for the healthcare industry in the Viken region and beyond. Participation to the 3 workshops is free of charge.

This program is part of our SirkØkHelse project, funded by Viken fylkeskommune, where NHT and Aleap are working together in competence building activities, with the valuable contribution of the Norwegian Centre of Circular Economy.


Event agenda

13:00- 13:10      Welcome – by Kari Anne Dehli, NHT and Mariann Donnum, Aleap

  • Introduction to the SirkØkHelse project, presentation of the event agenda

13:10- 13:30      Introduction: Sustainability and Circular Economy in healthcare – by Kaja Koppang, Tiltlab AS

  • The call to action: The healthcare sector’s impact potential in a sustainability transition.
  • Examples on how healthcare can lead the way and inspire action through adapting to a circular economy.

13:30- 13:50     Break and companies’ self-assessment – by Theo Xenakis, NHT

  • Presenting the Sustainable Readiness Level (SRL) tool, which companies can use to self-assess their sustainability competence during the break.

13:50- 14:30     Expert panel discussion: Sustainability and Circular Economy as a Business Requirement in Healthcare (40 min) – moderated by Natalia Mathisen, NCCE

Panelists: Grete Teigset Solli, Avdelingsleder samfunnsansvar, Sykehusinnkjøp; Ane Tolnes Haugdal, Associate, Investinor; Elisabeth Smith, Innovasjonspådriver, LUP (Leverandørutviklingsprogrammet); Heidi Rygg, Leder anskaffelsesenheten, Bærum municipality.

  • Environmental sustainability regulations and requirements to be aware of in healthcare (e.g., CSRD, SFDR)
  • Buyer’s/ investor’s perspective – Procurement/ investment/ documentation criteria and expectations for suppliers/ companies.
  • Supplier’s/ vendor’s perspective – Challenges and opportunities in implementing circular and sustainable solutions.
  • Suggestions on tools and methods to measure sustainability impact.
  • Q&A with the audience

14:30- 14:50     Break and networking

14:50- 15:30     Introduction to circular business models – by Natalia Mathisen, NCCE

  • Circular economy theory, business models, and implementation examples in healthcare

15:30- 16:00     Networking

*The event will be held in Norwegian.
