
Market Entry: Bringing (E-)Health Solutions to the German market

03 June
10:00 - 11:30

Webinar: https://play.quickchannel.com/play/bxtazyg

This program is funded by Stiftelsen Teknologiformidling

Going global with your (e-)health solutions require attention to details and knowledge about the market and requirements. Join us for a focused digital health webinar geared towards Germany.

Are you ready to scale up internationally with your (e-)health solutions and considering the German market? By participating in this webinar, you will be able to build first connections and enter our network to successfully ease your way into the German market. Meet trusted partners and learn from industry experts which steps are necessary to navigate the complex German healthcare system.

The speakers will guide you through the first steps you need to take to set up your company for breaching the German market. You will get an overview over what is currently happening in Germany in terms of (e-)health. Our expert speakers will inform you about important regulations, the German health insurance system, as well as funding options an an insight to cluster work in the healthcapital Berlin. To round it off you will hear a practical example of how to succeed, by one of our members who have already expanded to Germany.

This webinar is a part of NHT’s market entry program towards Germany.

The webinar will be held in English.

Program and Speakers:

    • 10:00 – Introduction
      • Lena Nymo Helli, CEO of Norway Health Tech (confirmed)
    • 10:05 – (E-)Health in Germany
      • The German healthcare market – an overview
      • What’s currently happening in Germany in terms of e-health:
        • Act for future of hospitals: Krankenhauszukunftsgesetz (KHZG)
        • App on prescription: Digitale Gesundheitsanwendungen (DiGA)
      • Procurement system of the German healthcare market
      • Legal framework
        • Laws and regulations of the German healthcare system which are relevant for market entry of international companies.
        • CE-Certification
      • Q&A
      • Speaker: Gabriel Flemming, Senior Manager Healthcare at Germany Trade&Invest (confirmed)
    • 10:35 – Cluster work in Germany
      • HealthCapital Berlin Brandenburg
      • Q&A
      • Speaker: Julien Noël, Project Manager MedTech | Healtchcare | Digital Health at HealthCapital Berlin Brandenburg (confirmed)


  • 10:50 – Funding and support options for international companies Cancelled
        • hannoverimpuls – funding options and promoting of their ongoing projects
          • Digital Health Talk Hannover
          • Booster Board
          • Hannover Deep Dive
        • Q&A
        • Speaker: Cornelia Körber, Project Director Life Science & MedTech at hannoverimpuls (confirmed)


  • 11:00 – Market awareness and things to keep in mind
    • First steps: necessary setup for a Norwegian company to sell in Germany
    • Prioritizing – what’s important to have in place before going to Germany, what can be left to do later?
    • Adjusting your product to the market
    • Q&A
    • Speaker: Dr.med. Tobias Gantner, Founder and Managing Director at HealthCare Futurists (confirmed)
  • 11:15 – Success story of a member company – Made for Movement
    • Experience sharing of how to succeed in Germany
    • Speaker: Birger Tufte Johansen, Head of Business Development and Co-Owner of Made for Movement
  • 11:25 – Wrap-up

Please join us and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact Irene.



Gabriel Flemming: GTAI, German Healthcare Market

Julien Noel: HealthCapital Berlin Brandenburg

Julien Noel: How to raise public money in Germany



See more
27 July


Lena Nymo Helli

CEO - Norway Health Tech


Gabriel Flemming

Senior Manager Healthcare - Germany Trade and Invest (GTAI)

Julien Noël

Key Account Manager MedTech | Healtchcare | Digital Health - HealthCapital Berlin Brandenburg

Cornelia Körber

Project director Life Science & MedTech at hannoverimpuls - hannoverimpuls

Dr. med. Tobias Gantner

Founder and Managing Director - HealthCare Futurists GmbH

Birger Tufte Johansen

Head of Business Development and Co-Owner - Made for Movement Group AS