

Solution Provider


Contact person

Bjørn Platou



Regulatory Status

NFT 72-281 & CE

Decon-X works to prevent and stop infection and has developed an automated method for disinfecting rooms and equipment. The method effectively removes bacteria, viruses and spores from air, surfaces and equipment. Decon-X supplies equipment and solutions to health enterprises in Scandinavia, Spain and Germany.

The method and process are controlled by built-in sensors that measure the most central parameters during the disinfection process; concentration of hydrogen peroxide, temperature and humidity. Decon-X’s built-in algorithm ensures that the disinfection robot replenishes itself and keeps the level of hydrogen peroxide in the air constant – throughout the disinfection process.

All process data is stored in cloud servers, which upon completion of the process generate and send a report to the customer’s chosen email / SMS – and to the Decon-X support center. The combination of Decon-X algorithm, sensors and data storage ensures that the disinfection process is carried out with verified and controlled efficiency, as well as automatically generated process documentation.