EU Advisor

Project partners

Norway Health Tech
Norwegian Smart Care Cluster

Funding partners

Innovation Norway

The EU Adviser project is funded by Innovation Norway with the grand purpose of increasing mobilization, participation and success of the clusters and cluster’ members in applications for EU funding.

The activities are directed at Norwegian actors (such as hospitals, R&D institutions, municipalities, health organizations, SMEs and other organizations) within healthcare innovation with the aim of applying for collaborative projects funded under Horizon Europe. We want to foster new consortia and collaborations that result in new projects and applications, both at a national and international level. For this, the EU advisor also engages extensively with international partners, networks and ecosystems.

In a nutshell, the EU advisor is the glue to form and draw value from an ecosystem around EU funding opportunities towards the health domain and its cross-over with other sectors by:

  • Highlighting the opportunities available within the EU funding arena
  • Supporting members’ strategy to tap into EU funding, at the right timing, with the right partners and with the right value proposition, to increase chances of success
  • Strengthening the national and international ecosystem towards Horizon Europe and facilitating initiatives that promote cooperation
  • Supporting implementation of granted projects to increase value creation for the participants and reduce risk by structuring the right internal processes

This project funded by Innovation Norway

Do you have questions?
Contact Sergio Ferreira at (+47) 484 27 885 or