Sensor- and communication-technology and use of deep learning in medical care of the future

18 januar
08:00 - 10:00

Meeting room HAGEN 1+2

WIBEC is an EU project funded to develop communication and tracking technology for intra-body wireless sensors.

Although wireless communication has become a  huge success for mobile communication of voice and data, connecting mobile devices accross the globe through wireless and wired network, communication from sensors and devices  inside the body remains challenging. This is due to the body’s content of salt water, which dampens radiofrequency waves, making both communication with and location of such devices challenging. WIBEC is attempting to solve these problems on a scientific and practical basis, potentially making  it possible to extract and give instructions to devices located deeply inside the human body.

Senior investigators from the project will present ongoing and future research. The successful completion of this project will open up the market for leadless,  devices both temporary and permanent, such as pacemakers, camera pills and brain stimulators. Both hardware- and software- developers, scientists and doctors will find this symposium interesting.

Here is the program:

  • Introduction to the program by program manager Ilanko Balasingham, PhD. electrical engineering, professor at UIO and NTNU
  • Clinical use of deeply implanted medical equipment by Jacob Bergsland, MD, PhD, chief attending physician IVS, OUS
  • Automatic detection of cancer and polyps in the colon; Lars Aabakken, MD, PhD, Chief Gastrolaboratoriet, OUS
  • Leadless pacemakers and rhythm management devices , Hans Henrik Odland, MD, PhD, chief attending physician, OUS
  • Time for Q&A

Please join us!




Hans Henrik Odland (MD, PhD)

MD, PhD, Specialist in electro physiology and pediatrics - Rikshospitalet

Ilangko Balasingham

Professor at UiO and NTNU - UiO and NTNU

Lars Aabakken (MD, PhD)

Chief physician - Oslo University Hospital

Jacob Bergsland (MD, PhD)

Chief physician and surgeon - The Intervention Centre, OUS