
Job Board-recruitment

Ser du etter jobb, eller er du ute etter relevante kandidater? Her kan du finne kompetansen du trenger - enten du er jobbsøker eller arbeidsgiver.  Vi legger spesiell vekt på inkludering av internasjonale kandidater og bygge et sterkt nettverk av samarbeidspartnere med Norway Health Tech-medlemmer. Vi kobler også studenter til relevante jobbmuligheter i karriereportaler: Karrieresenteret | Høyskolen Kristiania BI Karriere Oslo Met Universitetet i Oslo

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About membership

Apply here

All relevant stakeholders in healthcare can become a part of Norway Health Tech’s growing community. The cluster has a need-driven approach to our collaboration and innovation initiatives, and cater to both the public and the private sectors to solve healthcare needs. By becoming a member, you can tap into a wealth of information, funding opportunities, a national and international network of experts and resources as well as a number of relevant events and programs.

Follow the link below to apply for membership. Fill in your profile carefully, this information will be sent to the board of Norway Health Tech to be used in the formal admissions process as well as be published on our website upon admission.