Contact person
Mina Hermanseter
928 69 322
Eikveien 22, 1718 Greåker
Viken Bo og Omsorg is a collaboration partner for the health and care services in the municipalities. Viken Bo og Omsorg mainly provides round-the-clock staffing services to users with major challenges in their lives, and who fall outside the municipality’s traditional service offer. We offer services within environmental work in our staffed housing for users with challenges in the field of addiction and psychiatry, and users with reduced function with additional problems such as mental retardation and/or somatic challenges. The services are provided according to agreement and decision from the municipality, according to the Act on municipal health and care services, and the Act on mental health care.
Viken Bo og Omsorg is certified according to ISO 9001, which covers all governing ordinances, laws, regulations and the client’s expectations of the service. Viken bo og omsorg AS is a Norwegian registered limited company, established in 2019. The company has 4 owners. The owners of Viken Bo og Omsorg have in common that they have a background in public and private health and care services for over 20 years. The establishment and operation of Viken Bo og Omsorg is rooted in the understanding that the municipality needs a partner that provides honest, predictable housing and care services of good quality
We offer services based on the user’s wishes and needs. Great emphasis is placed on the user being able to take part in their care provision as far as this is possible. By giving the user options and flexibility, it is our aim that the user should experience a dignified and meaningful everyday life. Viken Bo og Omsorg uses an eclectic approach to which theory we use in our work. This means that we use several subject theories to explain, understand and help the residents. Together, this provides a better understanding of the individual. The following theories are used in the environmental therapeutic work: System theory, behavior analysis, person-centred approach and developmental psychology.
In order to provide users with assistance in creating security, structure and content in everyday life, the following working methods are used: user participation, targeted environmental therapy (environmental therapeutic change work) and a low-affective approach.