Nors Care

Connected Care/Digital Health — Digital health — eHealth (ICT) —

Contact person

Alexander Rein


97 05 10 08


97 05 10 08


Stortingsgata 28, Oslo





We are on a mission to improve public health by enabling people to provide better healthcare, by utilizing the best of edtech and healthtech. We leverage a scalable platform to equip healthcare providers with tools to educate and empower patients. We also help patients manage their health with support from patient-centric digital tools for everyday life, using smart technology to provide a tailored experience for each patient.

Our modular platform is expandable to cater to the needs of patients with an extra need for education and support over a prolonged period of time, like chronic patients, pregnants, parents and next of kin. The core is built to support different languages and business models in order to enable an international expansion. The platform is currently live in Norway for pregnants and parents, and is already in use by over 80 municipalities just a little over a year after launch.