Diagnostica AS

Diagnostics — Digital health — Medical device —

Contact person

Hamid Reza Bahador






Østre Aker vei 19, 0581 Oslo





About us

Diagnostica was established in 1983 by doctor Knut Henrik Falkvoll. Falkvoll is a pioneer who early started developing software for medical technical equipment in order to save time. Since 2015 the company has been employee-owned. From our office at Økern in Oslo, Spirare is designed and developed in close cooperation with Norwegian doctors. Spirares most important markets are Norway and Sweden, where we have approximately 40 % market share. 

What is Spirare? 

Spirare (latin – to breathe, to think) is a single software who in (close to) realtime collects and show signal from ECG-recorder and spirometry-sensor on the PC-screen. For 24-hour blood pressure Spirare is used to program the device and download and process the BP registrations. The result display can be seen on screen and you may take out PDF’s and print-outs. The data processing in Spirare gives good opportunity to see variations for the patient over time. 

Product filosophy

Diagnostica designs, develops and manufactures user-friendly digital diagnostic solutions that saves time and may be integrated with electronic patient journal systems. The systems we develope shall easily be scalable to fit small and large networks, and environments such as Citrix, Microsoft RDP , i VPN, and more. 

Diagnostica work with strategic partners to ensure that customers receive a complete, well-tested and high quality PC-based cardiovascular diagnostic solution. Diagnostica distributes Spirare through partners for primary and specialist health care. 

Diagnostica provides service and support for our products to hospitals, general practitioners, occupational health care units, outpatient clinics and offshore health services through our distributors and partners.

  • Emergency 
  • Offshore health service 
  • Hospitals 
  • Occupational health care 
  • General health clinics