Cimon Medical

Contact person

Dr. Tormond Thomsen


+47 414 124 23

Cimon Medical develops and manufactures novel Doppler ultrasound technology for healthcare and aim to become the market leader in continuous direct monitoring of blood-flow.

The first product under development is NeoDoppler – non-invasive continuous monitoring of blood-flow in the brain of premature or critically ill infants

The disruptive Cimon ultrasound technology is highly scalable with many potential clinical applications.


Cimon Medical is the owner of a unique proprietary technology for continuous monitoring of blood-flow using non-invasive Doppler ultrasound. The core of the innovation is a coin-sized ultrasound probe constructed as a single element transducer with an unfocused beam that can measure blood circulation continuously by illuminating a 1×4 cm cylindric area of the tissue and capture all blood flow signals in this volume simultaneously.

This type of monitoring has not been possible before


Our first product

15% of infants require intensive care in their first month of life, and fluctuations in brain blood-flow is increasing the risk of brain damage for these babies. Currently, no direct continuous measurement of brain blood-flow is available in spite of a clear clinical unmet need.

NeoDoppler is providing direct, non-invasive, continuous monitoring of blood-flow in the brain of premature or critically ill babies. NeoDoppler is suitable for all infants in the Newborn Intensive Care Unit (NICU), and in infants undergoing cardiac interventions.

About us

Cimon Medical AS is based on groundbreaking, patented technology originating from the internationally renowned ultrasound environment at The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and St. Olavs University Hospital (St. Olavs), both located in Trondheim, Norway.

The company’s vision is to develop products for a wide range of clinical applications related to continuous monitoring of blood-flow.