
Elen Høeg

Head of Health2B

Elen Høeg is the Head of Health2B, an innovation arena in health founded by Norway Health Tech, OUS, and Forskningsparken. Elen has a PhD in Pharm from the University of Oslo in 2000, and has 18 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry (PhotoCure, LMI, MSD), from R&D and production to policy and access. Before joining Health2B in October 2023, Elen spent 4 years at the global public-private partnership Coalition for Pandemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) and played a key role in the global COVID-19 pandemic response through CEPI’s work on policy and partnerships to develop and distribute vaccines.

Elen is a committed life science enthusiast who believes partnership and co-creation are needed to create good solutions and frameworks to drive forward and adopt innovations.