
Recording of “US Insights: Navigating Home Care, Elderly Care, and Remote Care”

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On September 12th, we completed an engaging webinar about home care, eldery care and remote care in the USA. We invite you to tune into the discussions where we explored key topics that are crucial for your understanding of the American healthcare system.

These were the goals of our session:

  1. Understanding Home Care in the US: A Comprehensive Overview
    • Gain a comprehensive understanding of the structure and dynamics of home care in the United States.
    • Explore the various ownership models, including non-profit, for-profit, and government-owned institutions.
    • Learn how these different models influence the delivery of healthcare services, and the implications for your business.
  2. Exploring Remote and Elderly Care at Home: Delivery and Distribution Models
    • Discover the evolving landscape of remote care and elderly care at home in the USA.
    • Explore the different delivery and distribution models that are shaping the future of healthcare services.
    • Gain insights into key stakeholders, financing models, and industry advancements to help you navigate this growing sector

Register through the link, and we will send you the webinar link directly.

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