
Cross4Health is looking for Service providers to support SMEs in acceleration.

  • More news on Norway Health Tech

The Cross4Health team is looking for external service providers to support selected SMEs within its 1st Acceleration Programme. As part of the programme, awarded SMEs will receive a voucher of up to 15,000 EUR to contract an external service to boost their innovation.

Cross4Health is a 2,5 year project coordinated by Norway Health Tech and funded by the European Commission Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, Horizon 2020. Cross4Health aims to foster collaboration, transfer of knowledge and opportinities among European SMEs coming from Aerospace and Energy leveraged on Biotechnology, ICT and Medical Device sectors. 

Now, the Cross4Health team is looking for external service providers to support selected SMEs within its 1st Acceleration Programme. As part of the programme, awarded SMEs will receive a voucher of up to 15,000 EUR to contract an external service to boost their innovation. 

If you are a service provider, this is your opportunity to join the Cross4Health project and enhance the success of SMEs working on unlocking the potiential of the airospace and energy sectors for innovative solutions in Healthcare!

There is a set number of services the external service providers may offer within the Cross4Health project. The following list defines the onli services that will be considered.

  1. IPR Consultancey on Innovation protection and patenting.
  2. Regulatory assistance for trensferring an Aerospace/Energy/ICT technology or know-how into the Health sector
  3. Coaching by experienced SME owners and qualified coachers
  4. Technology transfer from Universities and Research centres
  5. Ethichal and Legal Data Protection Support and monitoring
  6. Access to demonstration/living labs/end-user facilities like hospitals, care centres, etc.

If you have experience in providing one or more of the listed services above, please get in touch to be a service provider within the Cross4Health project. To learn more, please contact Mette or visit the Cross4Health webpage. 

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