

Solution Provider

Hilfsgemeinschaft der Blinden und Sehschwachen Österreichs


Mag. Höckner Klaus



The Hilfsgemeinschaft – the Austrian Association in support of the blind and visually impaired is an independent non-profit-organisation founded in 1935. With more than 6.400 members, it is Austria’s oldest and largest self-help organisation to improve the conditions and standards of living of its clients.
Founded: 1935
Legal form: non-profit-association
Board: Assoz.Prof. Priv.-Doz. Mag. Dr. Elmar Wilhelm M. Fürst, Mag. Klaus Höckner
Employees: about 100 employees and 250 volunteers

Our objective for this event is networking, connection to possible partners and support in the field of implementation of accessibility, searching for best practices and policies.

Looking for contacts within:

Assistive Technogies, ICT-Technologies for persons with disablities, Policies and Practices with innovative approaches