
Connected Care/Digital Health —

Contact person

Dennis Hens






Krambugata 2, 7011, Trondheim





BulbiTech AS produces software and hardware through which ophthalmic care professionals can offer their products and service closer to the patients’ local environment. According to the patients’ needs, accessible, more efficient & effective and against lower costs. BulbiTech AS provides you your own digital ophthalmic support assistant.

Our BulbiHUB software is an online and integrated set up that give you the full picture of a patient’s eye health, in less than 5 minutes. A growing elderly population, a shortage of ophthalmologists, manual processing of data and a lack of interprofessional cooperation are prominent problems that face optometry and ophthalmology today. To solve these problems BulbiTech has developed new software for tele-optometry and tele-ophthalmology purposes. Optometrist and ophthalmologists can now process, consult, share clinical data and image in a better way, faster than every before. How?

BulbiHUB integrates your existing diagnostic stations with our uniquely designed tele-optometry software, BulbiHUB, to digitize and automize your eye examinations. BulbiHUB software can be installed and shared between clinical, outpatient, and mobile locations bringing tele-optometry and tele-ophthalmology into reality, not remaining just a dream. What competitive advantage will our BulbiHUB give you:

  • Access to patients who live in remote locations;
  • Overview of all test results by establishing a comprehensive eye examination according to the American Academy of Ophthalmology;
  • Centralization of all test results into one single table report;
  • Mouse over function, directly displaying data, images and videos;
  • Compatibility with any ophthalmic device that has output connectivity;
  • Automated uploading of results;
  • Integrated report functionality;
  • Integrated video consultations;
  • An open design for future inclusion of AI support.

Our BulbiCAM is the first eye tracking camera that offer diagnostic support while integrating multiple eye examination tests to screen neuro-ocular pathology. Lack of experience, subjective interpretation, patient manipulation and potential time pressure when examining patients may lead to divergent diagnostic assessments across ophthalmic clinicians. Is it really acceptable to patients to undergo visual function tests manually? Is it even acceptable to show the patient the results of these tests if not acquired in an objective manner? Let us pause for just a moment and reflect upon the current standards of visual function testing and screening neuro-ocular pathology. Are these standards actually appropriate for us today?

BulbiCAM is a neuro-ocular diagnostic support device, based on the latest eye tracking technology, which runs various neuro-ocular tests, providing you and your patients new objective clinical data – outcomes you need to assess during a comprehensive eye examination. BulbiCAM and its software are designed to integrate within your clinical workflow, significantly reducing patient chair time and implementing objectivity. BulbiCAM currently provides you with a Visual Field Test, Saccade Test, Vergence Test and Pupil Test, with more tests to be introduced in the near future. What competitive advantages will our BulbiCAM give you?

  • Multiple neuro-ocular examinations in one device
  • Ergonomically designed for patient friendly testing
  • The most rapid and precise Visual Field Screening
  • New Saccadic Reaction Time parameter to classify glaucoma stages
  • Precise and quantitative assessment of pupil to detect RAPD
  • Precise and quantitative assessment of saccades presented in a main sequence diagram
  • Quantifiable objective measurement for Vergence testing, including pupil near reflex
  • Portable device occupying less space
  • Reduction of examination time up to 46,2%*
  • Data easily exportable to Electronic Medical Records (EMR)