Dignio AS

Connected Care/Digital Health —

Contact person

Martin Fredriksen


+47 699 55 520


+47 699 55 520


Dokka 3B, 1671 Kråkerøy



Dignio is Norway’s leading supplier of connected care for the chronically ill. Our award-winning platform enables healthcare providers to monitor and follow up an increased number of patients in a safe and innovative way. Our technical solutions give patients flexibility in everyday life and an overall increased quality of life.

Our software, Dignio Prevent, is developed in collaboration with patients and clinicians in order to guarantee a safe connected care package with superb quality. The software integrates a wide variety of patient devices that will support home-based care and treatment, such as medical measurements, questionnaires, medication and rehabilitation.

The platform connects patients directly with health professionals, through the patient-app MyDignio, for early detection and intervention. Through the app patients have access to their own data and a direct line of written communication with healthcare professionals. MyDignio is simple and intuitive even for digital immigrants without experience with tablets. The system is mobile and cloud-based giving the patients a large degree of independence in their everyday life.

Our medication devices also communicate with Dignio Prevent, and can be used independently or as a part of a connected care programme. Both medication dispensing devices, Medido and Pilly SMS, are mobile and ensure an active lifestyle.