Contact person
Vegard von Wachenfeldt
Gråorveien 3, 1900 Fetsund
A network for Medical Doctors i Norway
Norsk Helseportal is a closed productive network to implement the use of digital innovation to assist Medical Doctors in performing no-patient realated tasks. The content is made by the users, as the network is the tool for logistiscs.
Aristotle once said: ” The whole is greater than the sum of its parts”.
With the quate of Aristotle in mind, we have successfully designed a productive network for medical Doctors in Norway. This network gathers each of the digital tools used by medical professionals to communicate into the same network. Each tool might help a certain purpose, but together they become something more.
Users of Norsk Helseportal consists of Medical Doctors only. Norsk Helseportal use SSN verification via BankID and Buypas for secure identification of Medical Doctors in Norway.
The use of the network serves several functions:
- Medical Doctors are able to find everything in the same place leading to time efficient task managment.
- Less steps due to automatization when information is reused for different tools
- Healthcare Providers are able to communicate with another directly
- Mulitpe Medical Doctors can be reached at on time using a single interface
Pages is on of many tools in Norsk Helseportal. Both Medical Doctors and non-doctors can set up pages that Medical Doctors can follow and get news from the page in their feed. Each Medical Doctor might choose their own flow of informaton.