08:00 - 12:00
German-Norwegian Chamber of Commerce: Drammensveien 111 B, 0273 Oslo
This program is funded by Stiftelsen Teknologiformidling
Going to Germany requires a lot of knowledge about the business culture and typical structures there, as well as communication and general cultural awareness. A pitch should always be adapted to a target audience, and structure and professionalism is especially important when wanting to impress German partners or customers. With MEDICA 2021 approaching rapidly and a lot of companies participating in the Market Entry Program towards Germany, it is now more important than ever to share knowledge about this topic.
This event is a hybrid event. Participants can either join us in the seminar room at the German-Norwegian Chamber of Commerce, or follow the event online if a physical attendance is not possible for them.
Participants are required to bring a prepared pitch with them. We will go through pitches together and revise them during the workshop.
Program outline
Part 1 – Theory
- 08:00 – Intro – Know your target audience: German work culture, Market Awareness, Intercultural Competence: Speaker – Susanne Hawkins (German-Norwegian Chamber of Commerce)
- Hierarchy – interaction and professional distance between roles
- Titles and names – how to address others correctly, what to avoid
- How to impress in Germany – Structure, efficiency, punctuality, reliability in planning
- Topics and their importance in the German health care market:
- Innovation
- Data security
- User friendliness
- Origin of the product
- Numbers and costs
- Treatment progress and patient outcome
- Q&A
- 09:00 – Pitching – in Germany: Speaker – Anita Moe Larsen (Norway Health Tech)
- In-depth target audience research:
- Customers/Users
- Business partners
- What a good pitch should include and how to structure it
- Body language: Pitching in person vs online
- How long should a pitch be?
- Examples of good and bad pitches with explanations
- Q&A
- In-depth target audience research:
09:30 – Break
Part 2 – Workshop
09:45 – Short repetition/summary of the dos and don’ts from part 1
Introduction of the pitch trainers for small groups: Dr. Marc Hovestädt (Berlin Partner), Ole Christian Ruge (Denova Impuls), Markus Grundke (i2D Partners), Karime Mimoun
10:00 – Divide into smaller groups to pitch to each other:
- 2-3 companies per group
- Each group will be supervised by a pitch trainer to receive direct feedback and help them put the theory into action.
- Feedback and suggestions in the groups
- Revise pitch after feedback and suggestions
11:30 – Selected companies present new pitch to everyone
Participation fee:
Companies participating in Market Entry Program for Germany: FREE
Companies who are exhibitors at MEDICA 2021 via the Norwegian Pavilion: FREE
Members of Norwegian Smart Care Cluster: FREE
Other companies: 1 person: 2500 NOK, 2 persons: 3500 NOK
If you have questions, get in touch with Irene.Chelliah@norwayhealthtech.com