
Are we ready for AI?

29 September
08:30 - 11:00


How is data, the central resource for all AI solutions, protected, refined and shared among Norwegian public and private institutions? How might we create a sustainable industry based on health data?

Norway Health Tech, in cooperation with Innovation Norway, shares insights on data as the key resource for AI applications in Health Tech. You will learn how health related data is managed at key national and regional institutions, and how they plan to open up for integrating new services and vendors.

Experts from E-helsedirektoratet, Norsk Helsenett and Helseplattformen, among others, give us their analysis and views on where we are today and what is required going forward. We will be given their perspective on what we are lacking and in what areas Norway still needs to improve to be competitive and establish itself as a leading Health Tech innovator through the use of AI.

The audience will be invited to participate, giving you a chance to discuss and be heard by the experts themselves.

Sign up for Norway Health Techs seminar, where a broad panel of experts shed light on our common challenges and opportunities with data!
