
Procurement Forum: Project collaboration and joint offers – what are the legal limitations and opportunities?

30 November
08:00 - 10:00

Please join us for the second workshop in the Procurement Forum where the theme this time is project collaboration and joint offer. With project collaboration we mean all kinds for of collaboration between companies; partnering, consortium, main vs sub-supplier and so on.

For SMEs a collaboration with larger companies can be the key to get their innovative solutions in on bigger bids and projects towards public tenders – making “innovation partnerships” available. The new procurement laws allow partnerships to form, but what are the legal considerations we need to do before, under and after? This breakfast meeting will help you get an insight and we will look at the relevant legislation and illustrate with examples on how to do this in practice.

Adressing these issues will done by Kirti M Thomassen and Fride S. Gundersen from Bull & co Advokatfirma.Rights

  • Rights and opportunities in the  procurement law
  • Limitations due to law on competition
  • How to work on a project together
    • Information exchange
    • Contractual issues

“Leverandørutviklingsprogrammet” by Ricke Vestby on experiences from innovative procurement processes and status of innovative partnership projects.

The meeting will be interactive, so please prepare if you have questions. It will be in Norwegian.




Documents and presentations

Intro Norway Health Tech

Felles anbud og prosjektsamarbeid

Presentasjon fra Bull & Co Advokatbyrå

Innovasjons partnerskap

Leveradørutviklingsprogrammet presenterer pågående prosjekt og rammene rundt